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Guidelines for Investor Education Activities of Publicly Offered Securities Investment Funds(Trial Implementation)
I. To further guide and standardize the investor education activities of managers of publicly offered securities investment funds(hereinafter referred to as“public funds”)and fund distributors,to protect the legal rights and interests of investors,to enhance the financial literacy of the nation’s citizens,and to promote the high-quality development of the public fund industry,the Asset Management Association of China(hereinafter referred to as“AMAC”)has formulated the Guidelines in accordance with the Securities Investment Fund Law of the PRC and relevant regulations of the China Securities Regulatory Commission(hereinafter referred to as“the CSRC”).
II.The Guidelines apply to investor education activities conducted by public fund managers and members of AMAC who have obtained qualifications for the public fund distribution business(hereinafter referred to as“fund distributors”).
III.For the purpose of the Guidelines,“investor education”refers to the activities conducted by public fund managers and fund distributors for fund investors,including communicating fund-related policies,laws and regulations,popularizing fund-related knowledge,warning of investment-related risks,clarifying investors’rights and obligations,conveying the rational investment philosophy,and guiding investors to protect their legal rights in accordance with legal requirements.
IV.The objectives of investor education include:
(i)Helping investors better understand investing:providing investors with a better understanding of fund-related knowledge and relevant laws and regulations.
(ii)Helping investors improve their investment abilities:improving investors’ability to identify and guard against risks,select products and strategies that meet their needs,and actively protect their legal rights and interests.
(iii)Helping investors develop a sound investment philosophy:improving the overall investment and wealth management literacy of the nation’s citizens so that they can establish the concept of long-term investment and rational investment.
V.The following principles should be followed in conducting investor education activities:
(i)Principle of Compliance:Investor education should include standard,professional information and knowledge that are consistent with the relevant provisions of intellectual property protection,consistent with regulatory guidelines,and consistent with public order and moral conventions.It should not be overly entertaining.
(ii)Principle of Neutrality:Investor education is not intended to promote certain company,product or fund portfolio manager,and does not constitute specific investment advice.
(iii)Principle of Effectiveness:Investor education should address the practical needs of investors in the context of the overall development of the industry;it should be conducted in plain language that is easy to understand and at the same time appealing in presentation so as to enhance the quality of interaction with investors.
(iv)Principle of Inclusiveness:Investor education should be directed to the general public and should be designed to meet the needs of all types of investors.
(v)Principle of Relevance:Investor education must be relevant to investors with different levels of education and different needs,and in particular to ordinary investors.
(vi)Long-term Principle:Investor education should include both general education and customized education and should be integrated into the entire process of the investor service relationship so as to be regular and continuous.
VI.Public fund managers and fund distributors should base their investor education activities on the requirements of the CSRC and AMAC and their own practical situations.Investor education activities may be conducted in different forms and include a wide range of contents.The following areas should be given priority in order to cultivate fund investors:
(i)Investment Philosophy:Investors are to be educated to understand the relationship between risk and return and to conduct asset allocation using scientific approaches;Investors are educated to understand the benefits of long-term investment and rational investment instead of frequent trading and buying at high price and selling at loss;It is important for the general public to recognize the idea of financial planning for retirement and to establish mature philosophy of investing for retirement.
(ii)Investment Knowledge:Investors are to be educated on fund-related laws and regulations,as well as different product types,holding structures,risk profiles,transaction costs and other fund-related knowledge.
(iii)Trading Procedures:Investors are to be educated on the process of investing in funds,including how to open a fund account,how to subscribe to funds,how to purchase and redeem funds,and how fund dividends are distributed.
(iv)Fund Holdings:Investors are to be educated on how and where to find information about their fund holdings in their investment accounts,the net asset value of their funds and other disclosures and are able to monitor the performance of their funds on a regular basis.
(v)Investor Rights and Responsibilities:Investors are to be educated on how and where they can exercise their rights or make complaints to protect their interests.Investors should be educated to understand that on the premises that“the seller has fulfilled duties”to conduct due diligence on the funds it offers,“investors are responsible”for the risks associated with their purchase decision.
(vi)Investment Behavioral Biases:Investors are to be educated to understand the emotional biases or cognitive errors that may influence their investment decisions.
(vii)Avoidance of financial fraud in fund-related business:Investors are to be informed about illegal activities in securities and futures business,illegal fundraising cases,their typical characteristics,and preventive measures against those activities;investor education on anti-money laundering and personal information protection is equally important.
Depending on the practicalities of implementing investor education and subject to market developments,public fund managers and fund distributors may supplement and update their educational materials in a timely manner to ensure that their investor education information is current.
VII.Public fund managers and fund distributors are encouraged to be proactive and innovative in building a multi-media matrix of investor education activities,either through proprietary or non-proprietary channels and platforms.
The online financial and economic forums and publishing platforms of new digital media providers.
(i)The official website,mobile applications,official WeChat accounts,WeChat applets,Weibo and other social media accounts of public fund managers and fund distributors.
(ii)Dedicated areas for investor education in their physical stores and on their website.
(iii)Customer service call centers,text messaging services,and e-mails accounts operated directly by public fund managers and fund distributors for investor engagement.
(iv)Bulletin boards,brochures and the like on the premises of public fund managers and fund distributors.
Non-proprietary channels and platforms include,but are not limited to,the following:
(i)The online financial and economic forums and publishing platforms of new digital media providers.
(ii)Such mass media communication channels as television,radio,newspapers and outdoor media.
(iii)Key channel groups such as schools,local communities and enterprises.
Public fund managers and fund distributors may choose the appropriate communication channels to conduct their investor education activities according to their own advantages and unique characteristics.Public fund managers and fund distributors are encouraged to reach out to schools,local communities and enterprises in third and fourth-tier cities to conduct investor education activities.
VIII.Public fund managers and fund distributors are encouraged to proactively share their investment education materials with their industry peers and,in the meantime,to include quality investment education materials produced by other organizations in their multi-channel education activities.
IX.Public fund managers and fund distributors should incorporate investor education into their corporate strategy and corporate culture construction and integrate the investment education activities into their business in a compliant,reasonable and organic way,so as to enhance the continuity of investor education and services.
X.Public fund managers and fund distributors should,when offering fund products or fund-related services to investors,adhere to the principle of seller's due diligence by highlighting the features and risks of their products and reminding investors to carefully read the relevant legal documents to fully understand the risks associated with the products before making their investment decisions prudently to match the products with their respective needs.Public fund managers and fund distributors should not make any promises regarding the returns of their product in violation of the law and should not make misleading statements in their marketing.
XI.Public fund managers and fund distributors should develop and enhance the investor suitability marketing and education system.They should properly fulfill the obligations related to investor suitability,i.e.,adhere to the principle of investor-centric education,include customized educational content for different types of investors,and provide differentiated investor education.
XII.Public fund managers and fund distributors should make their services available to investors throughout the fund investment process,including the regular provision of account statements,fund net asset values and fund-related communications.In particular,during periods of significant market or fund NAV volatility,they should respond in a timely manner to investors'key concerns and proactively provide investor support services to convey the right investment ideas,respond readily to investors'inquiries and calm investors'emotions.
XIII.Public fund managers and fund distributors should publicize the investor complaint channels and handling procedures to investors through various means such as official website pages,mobile APPs,dedicated investor service areas or bulletin boards at their place of business,and,where necessary,conduct targeted investor education to address the issues raised in investor complaints.
XIV.Public fund managers and fund distributors should ensure the implementation and strengthen the management of investor education activities via system,organization,personnel,procedures and financing:
(i)Establishing a sound system and long-term mechanism for investor education and strengthening the internal synergy mechanism.
(ii)Determining the roles and responsibilities of each department in conducting investor education activities and the related evaluation and assessment mechanism and establishing a supervision system in accordance with the requirements of the Guidelines to manage the investor education responsibility of each department.
(iii)Assigning adequate staff to investor education activities.
(iv)Ensuring that the expense for investor education is properly earmarked and independent of fund distribution or marketing expenses.A benchmark expense for investor education costs should be reasonably determined based on actual expenses incurred,and the subsequent year’s expense allocation increase for investor education should not be less than the growth rate of the company’s earnings over the prior year.
XV.Public fund managers and fund distributors should establish and maintain a team of investor education instructors and designate a senior manager of the company and a dedicated department responsible for directing,organizing and overseeing the company’s investor education efforts,with the following responsibilities:
(i)Lead the development of the investor education framework,workflow,work plan and annual budget.
(ii)Conduct regular investor profiling,research investor education needs and challenges,and implement investor education activities independently or in partnership with other organizations.
(iii)Coordinate the preparation of investor education materials for the company and facilitate the planning,organization and implementation of investor education activities by relevant departments.
(iv)Lead the building of a team of investor education instructors;lead and facilitate the design and production of investor education materials by relevant departments.
(v)Lead the construction,management and operation of investor education bases or investor education zones.
(vi)Coordinate and conduct self-assessments of the company's investor education outcomes in terms of investor reach,acceptance and satisfaction;oversee the fulfillment of investor education responsibilities by relevant company departments.
XVI.Public fund managers and fund distributors should provide themselves with an adequate number of dedicated investor education staff who possess fund practitioner qualifications.They should assign dedicated individuals for liaising with AMAC on investor education matters.In the event of any change in senior managers or dedicated contact persons for investor education,public fund managers and fund distributors should inform AMAC within five working days of such change.
Public fund managers and fund distributors should conduct regular investor education training for related business departments,conduct regular assessment and evaluation of the results of their investor education efforts,and include such assessment and evaluation in the metrics of the annual performance reviews of related departments.Public fund managers and fund distributors should provide adequate resources to ensure the effective performance of investor education personnel.Those dedicated departments or individuals that achieve exceptional results or receive commendations from relevant organizations for their investor education efforts should be appropriately rewarded.
XVII.Public fund managers and fund distributors should keep copies of records of their investor education activities in paper or electronic form available for inspection for a period of at least three years and should review their existing investor education materials for outdated and invalid content at least once a year,depending on the revision of relevant regulations and rules,market reform and development,and changes in investor demand.For outdated and invalid investor education materials that are disseminated by non-proprietary platforms,public fund managers and fund distributors should proactively coordinate with such platforms to dispose of them.
XVIII.Depending on their respective conditions,public fund managers and fund distributors may choose to set up either independent or joint offline sites or online websites for dedicated investor education.Those dedicated sites that meet the relevant requirements of the CSRC are encouraged to apply to the CSRC or its branches for certification as nation-wide or provincial investor education bases.AMAC may provide support services for investor education activities and related training to those industry-wide investor education bases,especially to the nation-wide investor education bases,and organize the exchange and sharing of investment education information and results among industry participants and promote the best cases and practices of the leading investor education in line with the overall deployment policy of the CSRC.
XIX.AMAC will organize regular assessments of the investor education efforts of public fund managers and fund distributors and establish a platform for sharing of investor education content and set up a mechanism for soliciting investor education contributions,so as to strengthen the industry’s investor education repository,and showcase the best materials and exemplary cases through AMAC's own investor education base.
The results of the assessment of the investor education efforts of public fund managers and fund distributors will serve as a factor to be considered in the regulatory evaluation and selection of candidates for future innovative business trial implementation.
XX.AMAC will,from time to time,conduct inspections of the investor education activities of public fund managers and fund distributors,and public fund managers and fund distributors should cooperate proactively.
XXI.The Guidelines shall be effective on the date of publication.
Drafting Notes on Guidelines for Investor Education Activities of Publicly Offered Securities Investment Funds(Trial Implementation)
In order to accelerate the high-quality development of the public fund industry,further guide and standardize the investor education activities of publicly offered securities investment funds,enhance the financial literacy of the nation’s citizens and build a sound ecosystem in which the legal rights and interests of investors are adequately protected,the Asset Management Association of China(“AMAC”),under the guidance of the China Securities Regulatory Commission(“the CSRC”)and in accordance with the Securities Investment Fund Law and other laws and regulations,has prepared the Guidelines on Investor Education by Publicly Offered Securities Investment Funds(Trial Implementation)(“the Guidelines").The following is a summary of the facts and information relating to the Guidelines:
I.Background and the Drafting Process
In April2022,the CSRC issued the Opinions on Accelerating the High-Quality Development of the Public Fund Industry(CSRC release No.41[2022],“the Opinions")with the aim of comprehensively improving the investor education,utilizing scientific approaches in establishing the evaluation framework of the investor education,and accelerating the development of a clear system of investor education in the public fund industry that rewards best practices and encourages participation.Following the requirements of the Opinions,AMAC has consequently formulated the Guidelines based on the current practices of the industry with the intention of providing guidance and information exchange to enable scientific implementation and evaluation of the investor education efforts.
The Guidelines are intended to further enhance the fund industry's investment knowledge and understanding level of investor education.In terms of its recipients,investor education should cover the entire investment process to provide investors with a better understanding of investment philosophy,enhanced ability to identify and prevent risks and correct their behavioral errors,and ultimately improving the nation’s overall financial literacy.In terms of the investor education providers,investor education should be integrated into the corporate culture of each individual enterprise in the fund industry and elevated to the level of corporate strategy,running through the entire investment process from beginning to end,and always ready to help,so as to serve the real needs of Chinese families’wealth management.In terms of channel coverage,each fund manager in the industry should take advantage of its professional expertise and specific conditions to build a multimedia matrix of investor education by implementing the"three coverage"activities,i.e.,campus coverage,community coverage and business coverage.
Prior to drafting the Guidelines,AMAC held several rounds of discussions with public fund managers and distributors through industry roundtables to obtain comments.The Guidelines have been fine-tuned accordingly to provide better guidance to the industry.
II.An Overview of the Guidelines
The Guidelines contain a total of21articles covering a wide range of areas,including the definitions and scope of the investor education activities,its objectives,principles,contents,methods of investor education,the availability of resources for providing education,and AMAC’s self-regulatory administration.These key topics are as follows:
(i)Clarify definitions and applicable scope of investor education
The Guidelines define investor education as"the activities intended for investors,including,providing information to investors relating to policies,laws and regulations of fund investment,popularizing basic concepts relating to fund,making clear the risks associated with investment,highlighting to investors their legal rights and obligations,marketing the idea of rational investment,and explaining to investors how they can best protect their interests by within the applicable legal framework.”Given the fact that public fund managers are currently the main force of carrying out investor education,the Guidelines would mainly apply to two types of business entities interfacing directly with investors,i.e.,public fund managers and distributors.
(ii)Specifying the goals,principles,contents and channels of investor education
The Guidelines take into consideration the practices of China's public fund industry in setting out the three goals,six principles and seven areas to be covered in the investor education activities.Among other things,the Guidelines specify that the three goals of investor education are to enhance investors'overall investment-related knowledge,investment skills and investment philosophy.In light of the current issues facing investor education,the Guidelines propose six principles to be applied in conducting the educational activities,including standardization,effectiveness,neutrality,equal access,customization and on-going basis.The Guidelines recommend the participants of the fund industry to draw on their own experience in arranging educational activities,which should be reasonably designed to cover the seven areas of the investment lifecycle,including investment philosophy,basic investment knowledge,trading process,fund-share-holding,investors’rights and obligations,improper investment practices to be corrected,and investment fraud prevention.The Guidelines encourage innovation by participants of the fund industry,either through their own efforts or by seeking third-party channels and services,to construct a multi-media and muti-channel matrix for the investor education activities.
(iii)Guiding industry participants to integrate investor education into their corporate culture and across their various services
Investor education is an important part of the fund industry’s exercise of social responsibility,fostering an industry culture and building its core value propositions.The Guidelines are intended to guide public fund managers and fund distributors in integrating investor education into their corporate culture and aligning it with their business strategies.By using risk warnings in a compliant,reasonable and appropriate manner,together with investor suitability management,investor guide service,complaint handling,among others,fund managers and fund distributors will be able to provide continuous investor education throughout their business relationship with investors,thereby further enhancing the quality and effectiveness of investor education.
(iv)Strengthening resource availability for investor education
The Guidelines require public fund managers and fund distributors to ensure the implementation of investor education activities by,among other things,making available the relevant policies,organizations,personnel,procedures and funding,and designating senior management members to lead the relevant departments and personnel to manage and oversee the implementation of investor education.AMAC encourages public fund managers and fund distributors to establish dedicated investor education organizations or dedicated online platforms for,depending on their own circumstances.Those investor education organizations or platforms that meet the requirements of the CSRC are encouraged to apply to the CSRC or its branches for certification as national or provincial investor education bases.
(v)Establishing an industry-level resource-sharing mechanism and assessment system for investor education
The Guidelines explicitly encourage innovation by public fund managers and fund distributors to make full use of their own channels or third-party channels and play the role of a platform in conducting both online and offline investor education.Meanwhile,public fund managers and fund distributors are encouraged to actively share their investor education creations with their industry peers and incorporate other industry peers’quality investor education materials into their own marketing channels.The Guidelines make it clear that AMAC will organize regular evaluation by relevant parties of the education activities conducted by public fund managers and fund distributors,and the results of the evaluation will be used as a factor to be considered in the regulatory evaluation and in the future selection of candidates for innovative business trial implementation.
This translation is furnished for information purposes only.In case there are differences between the two language versions深圳股票配资,the original Chinese text is binding in all respects.